Ceramic Coating Vs Paint Protection Film: Which One Is Right For Me? 

One of the most common questions that we get at Cochran Auto Detailing is this: “What is the difference between a coating and paint protection film, and which one is right for me?” Simply put, a ceramic coating is a nanoscopic paint treatment that's applied in liquid form, but cures to form a hard layer over your vehicle's paint. Most paint clear coat looks flat to the naked eye, but has grooves and valleys at the nano level that can catch dirt, road grime, tree pitch, etc.  Waxes and sealants fill those grooves and valleys to leave a smooth surface that dirt can’t grab onto. Unfortunately, due to climate, maintenance and sealant make up, the products only last 2 weeks (most waxes) to 7 months (some sealants). Also, they do not improve the hardness and durability of your clear coat enough to say it is a benefit. 

Ceramic coating does the same thing as a wax or sealant, but lasts much longer (professional coatings, professionally installed) and has a much harder finish. This adds significant durability to your paint. Because of this, your vehicle will stay cleaner longer, and is much easier to clean when the time comes. OH, and did you know that you can ceramic coat the leather and fabric in the interior of your vehicle as well?

Paint Protection Film is completely different, although is has some of the same benefits as Ceramic coatings.  Paint protection film is a thermoplastic urethane often self-healing film applied to painted surfaces of a new or used car in order to protect the paint stone chips, bug splatters, and minor abrasions.  Although PPF is very costly to install on an entire vehicle it is the best options for durabilty. To be more cost effective, many customers install PPF to the front of their vehicles and the ceramic coat the entire vehicle (coating on top of PPF). This give you durability protection to the front facing panels to protect for road rash and stone chips from highway driving and also give your a harder more durable clear coat to slow down your paint’s aging. This can be done because a PPF’d panel looks the exact same as a non PPF’d panel. New PPF technology make it so clear that you can install PPF to any painted surface and ceramic coating to every surface. so , which is the right option for you? That all depends on the following: 

  • How long to plan on keeping your vehicle?

  • What is your budget? 

  • What are your major concerns when it comes to your vehicles exterior (and interior)? 

  • How often do you get your vehicle detailed?

  • Do you like to wash your car yourself?

  • Do you know why detailers are apprehensive about car washes (even touchless)

Stop by during business hours and we will ask you these questions to come up with the package for you!


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