5 Ways To Keep Your Car Looking Newer For Longer

There’s nothing like the feeling of driving off of the lot with a new car! Whether it’s brand new, or new to you, I’ll go out on a limb and say that you likely want to keep it looking as good as it did when you bought it as possible. At Cochran Auto Detailing, we’re here to help. Here are my five top tips for keeping your vehicle looking new for as long as you possibly can!

  1. Maintenance Washes: Seriously, this is the one tip you do NOT want to skip. Keeping up with proper interim washes is key to your car looking newer for longer.

  2. Apply a Ceramic Coating: This is the exact reason people apply a ceramic coating. After applying a coating, your car will stay cleaner longer, and be easy to clean when the time comes. Although a coating makes your vehicle more durable, it doesn’t protect it from major scratching. If maintained properly with washes, you vehicle will will look brand new for years to come.

  3. Details: We recommended one to two details a year, especially if you have never had a ceramic coating. If you did have a ceramic coating installed, we recommend an interior package twice a year. With this package, we will thoroughly wash and review your exterior as well as 3 month coating protection!

  4. Paint Protection Film: Ever been driving, heard a little bang of something being kicked up and hitting your car, and panicking? Most of us know the feeling. Nearly invisible yet strong enough to protect high-impact areas, PPF will protect your car during highway travel, city living, and bumps and drops. Rocks, stones & gravel, bug acid bird droppings, and tree sap salt and chemicals.

  5. Window Tinting: You’ve likely never thought of window tinting as a protection for your vehicle, but it is! The best in optical clarity, heat, and UV protection will help prevent the sun from damaging your interior while keeping it cooler in the summer and warmer in the winter!

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